Sentante is an innovative teleoperated robotic system developed by UAB Inovatyvi Medicina. It allows an entire endovascular intervention to be performed remotely, from a different room, so physicians and the entire medical team can work without being exposed to harmful X-ray radiation. In the future, Sentante will allow physicians to perform endovascular treatment from a remote hospital, eliminating the need for physical patient transfer. This innovation bears profound significance, particularly in critical cases such as stroke, where each passing minute significantly impacts the chances of a good outcome.
Categories: MedTech, Medical Device;
Founded: 2017
Founder(s): Dr. Evaldas Kalvaitis, Dr. Tomas Baltrunas, Edvardas Satkauskas, Vaidas Labunskas, Vilius Dambrauskas
Location(s): Kaunas, Lithuania
Entry date: 2023
Entry-stage: Seed
Latest stage: Seed
Latest round: Seed
Co-investors: European Innovation Council Fund
Exit: n/a
Sentante Secures €6 Million in New Funding to Revolutionize Endovascular Care
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